L'actualité du livre
et Novels & Short stories  

In His Arms
de Camille Laurens
Random House, Incorporated 2005 /  / 256 pages
ISBN : 0375506527

Original Title: Dans ces bras-lŕ
Translated by: Ian Monk

List Price: $22.95

A Woman Who Loves Men

For her seventh book, Camille Laurens has chosen as a vast subject: Men. Her interest lies in man, the opposite sex, the other side. She looks first at the men of her life, the woman extricated from the picture. She is partner to an undemanding relationship devoid of struggle, a loving relationship. In this sense, Camille Laurens defies feminist tendencies and the notions of a man/woman parity. She rejects the so-called “egalitarian” tendencies in which one treats the other as a colleague, a pal, an associate, or as a brother or sister. She even sees this as perhaps a feigned ignorance of fundamental differences.

She rids herself of such preconceptions. Her tender, humane exploration of the masculine race implies an understanding of the other and instills a respect for the differences that exist. Camille Lauren evokes the men of her life through a bevy of short, humorously written chapters complete with occasional, unexpected twists. A bit like a dance card, we find, of course; the grandfather; the great uncle; the father (a central, read foundational figure); the professor; the first love; the husband with whom conversation takes place freely; then of course the lover; the friend, the “unknown”; the child who died at birth (subject of another story, Phillip ); the shrink, essential, since thanks to him she’s able to tackle her divorce and her book at the same time; and finally the indispensable editor and the rest. She is unique for each of them, gives of herself without holding back and often ends up hurting herself.

The book’s motivation is the desire of men, a lucid desire devoid of ownership. She loves men just as they are, with their strengths, their weaknesses and their cowardice.

Camille Laurens has written this work chiefly for men, let’s hope they read it. She makes her love for them clear, and leads us to love them even more.

Emmanuelle de Boysson /Translated from the French by Edward C Hollo
( Mis en ligne le 28/04/2005 )
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